WordPress Coaching, Business Consulting

WordPress Help When You Need It

WordPress White Glove Support Subscription

My White Glove WordPress Support focuses on three primary scenarios:

  • You have a WordPress website and need a coach to help you reach your potential. You also desire personalized handholding to learn the skills and strategies necessary to run a successful website.
  • You are busy, and whenever you turn around, something with WordPress or plugins requires updating. I can help you understand what you need to do and when.
  • You are a DIY’er, unsure if everything is set up for optimal performance and results. You need someone to be there when you need help or coaching.

In all of the above, you put off what you need to do or learn because you have a list of other things to do.

Coaching = Confidence (and Success)

  • Do you worry if your site is fast enough?
  • Is your SEO good enough?
  • What should my next move be?
  • What if I get hacked?
  • Am I following best practices?

Then, that little voice reminds you that you aren’t sure how to do those updates without the fear of breaking your site. And what if your site does break?

All this can be overwhelming and lead to paralysis.

You don’t embrace new things, update your site, or consider improving its speed, security, and effectiveness.

Your SEO? Well, you don’t know who to believe, so you put some keywords here and there and cross your fingers. What strategy do you have to improve and grow your traffic?

White Glove Coaching & Consulting

You want to learn how to use everything WordPress offers, but where do you start? It can be overwhelming.

If you have had this conversation with yourself, imagine the weight off your shoulders when you no longer have to worry about any of this. Instead, you can have your personal WordPress coach and consultant on call when needed.

Enter my White Glove Support whole-site approach. What do I mean by that? I’ll let you know if I see something you need to be aware of or address above and beyond your requests. Subscribers receive my VIP support and response levels.

No, subscribing is not required for us to work together, but I do prioritize my VIP WGS subscribers.

Why Subscribe?

VIP Rates, Needed Services & Resources

Tailored WordPress Consulting

WordPress help and support to suit your unique needs when needed.

Personalized Business Coaching

Receive one-on-one coaching to elevate your business strategies.

Website Maintenance and Recommendations

I take care of the heavy lifting and you work your website.

VIP Status

Receive a reduced hourly rate.


Access to Member Resources

Monthly Report

Keeps you informed and up to date.

WordPress, Themes, Plugins

Reflects Updates Performed

Backups, Security, Uptime

Daily Monitoring Results

SEO Phrases & Rankings

Position and Competition Tracking

Review the WGS TOS and features and Premium Upgrade.

Knowledge + Support = Website Success

My personalized one-on-one coaching, decades of online experience, and business advice are at your service. I offer Premium Support to netrepreneurs who desire comprehensive, personalized guidance.

Worry-free Website Coaching

Confidence in all the technicalities frees you up to run your business, create content, and market your site. In the process, you’ll gain valuable intel to put to work immediately. Who doesn’t want the opportunity to spend more time running their business?

How do we start?

Tell me about your project and ask me any questions you have.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
James Allen